Congratulations to Sara for passing her prelim exam!

We are so proud of Sara for passing her prelim exam last week! Sara’s research focuses on equine biomechanics and preventing fracture in racehorses. She says, “The overall goal of my research is to reduce fractures in racehorses by preparing their bones while young with targeted exercise interventions. The relationship between exercise and adaptation will be evaluated using finite element models (Aim 3) that require accurate density-modulus relationships (Aim 1) to properly assess different exercise interventions. Although this density-modulus relationship will rely on apparent clinical CT density, as that is the imaging modality most available for horses, it is also beneficial to understand the effects of trabecular microarchitecture on apparent mechanical properties (Aim 2).”

After many, many hours toiling in the lab, Sara has completed the density-modulus relationship for juvenile equine bone and is working towards completion of Aims 2 and 3.

Roberto was so impressed by her powerpoint skills that he awarded her the much coveted “Hollywood Handshake”, which was luckily captured on film.

Congratulations, Sara! We are so proud of you!